Monday, September 13, 2010

Growth from Karma?

Several v/bloggers gleefully posted about the most hated vlogger's misfortune of getting arrested recently. I checked and found him in the Lundbergh Correctional Facility in Virginia. They do not reveal information on what charge he was arrested for - only where he is in their facility. His release date is May 2011. The time frame does appear to be a probation violation as some suggested. It does appear that he was arrested previously on an actual charge and violated his probation on that charge which put him back in jail.

Now, most of us know about his irrational fear of the cops. He has vlogged frequently about how we should never, ever, trust cops. He even told us if you have a serious emergency, we still are never to call the cops or 911. He was always telling us that cops are out there to "screw us over."

Interpreting from his messages, I had suspected he had a really bad experience with the cops that scarred or traumatized him, leading to his intense mistrust of cops. Now that I know he was arrested before - who knows how many times? I know of just this one, but recalling from previous blog posts, I believe he was arrested before this one, several years ago - which explains his irrational fear of the cops.

Alejandro Rea, the LA shoplifter who almost lost his life being choked by a security guard; the black deaf man in midwest who was shot to death by the cops when he did not put down his lawn rake in which the cops took as a "weapon"; Carl Dupree, Gallaudet student who was choked to death by Gallaudet's own security guard. The ASL teacher, Doug Bahl, of Minnesota who was pulled over by a cop and sequentially beaten up and jailed without due process. Those are just a few that came to my mind. A deaf person can't help to read all this and start fearing the cops.

He vlogged about each of these bad arrests/interactions with the cops. These case are enough to scare us into mistrusting the cops. For most of us, I think we know to be cautious with cops when we get ourselves in a situation where we have to deal with them. For him, it is an irrational fear.

Now some of the v/bloggers and their commenters stated that they hoped he will come out humbled and changed. That he would learn from the experience.

Sorry, folks. I think not. He will come out and blame the whole thing on the cops and the whole system. That is his way. He won't accept any responsibility or be accountable for his actions. He even might go as far to say he was framed. But will he sue? No. Because deep inside, he knows the truth.

He is the Howard Stern of the deaf blogsphere. He says inflammatory things to get attention including topics about cops. But he knows that half of things he says is not true or at most embellishments.

He will come out with a stubborn upturn of his chin and say, "I am innocent" and then vlog on how the whole thing was the cops' fault. Never mind why he was arrested in the first place or what circumstances led to his arrest. These are not important. It is always the cops' fault.


  1. What? I called the Riverside Regional Jail's Records Department which I got some info regarding his arrest and imprisonment related to the domestic situation and suspended sentence violation.

    The Hopewell Police Department refused to share any kind of info until someone come in the police station and show the ID with picture.

    The police department will be very happy to share the police report.

  2. CAM,

    The Ricky Taylor you found listed in the Lunenburg Correctional Center is not the same Ricky Duncan Taylor that is Ridor.

    Lunenburg's Ricky Taylor is 9 years older, has been in that facility since at least 2006, and has been repeatedly denied parole.

    It is Lunenburg's Ricky Taylor who is up for parole again on May 16, 2011.

    Perhaps we should take a lesson about jumping to conclusions here?

    - Linda

  3. Wrong jail facility, CAM. Ridor is currently at Riverside Regional Jail, I believe it's outside Richmond, VA.

    Look up his Offender ID # 43342 at this site:

    Click on his mugshot photo. It's Ridor alright.

  4. Hmmm...Interesting. Of course the Lundbergh facility did not offer mug shots...and I typed Ricky Taylor for the entire state of Virginia's correctional system and and came up with only two...and one was black. So that left the only one white Ricky Taylor. So that must be him. I wonder if he got moved? They often move inmates and perhaps haven't updated?

    Nonetheless - he is in jail. Doesn't really matter which facility he is in, does it?

  5. I'm going to venture on this..

    If ridor comes out of Jail in May 2011 and then blames it all on the cops, judges, lawyers, and the entire court system being against him, then he's in a world of trouble.

    Problem is this: If he argues God is SO WRONG about him and his whole life, what's going to happen if he meets KING JESUS? i'll bet you, he'll be scared but it'll be too late for him.
    If he doesn't change.. His end will come badly.

  6. RLM, Linda, and Rob...thanks for the clarifications. However, that was not central to CAM's topic on her post. The topic of her post is actually about Ridor's attitude about cops and whether he would learn something from being incarnated.

    I tend to agree - while Karma may now bite him on his butt but I seriously doubt he will come out a better person. It is simply not in his nature. He will only continue playing the blame game as always. If this was a domestic charge on which he was charged with - then he will blame on the person who called cops on him for domestic violence. Perhaps his intimate partner or a family member. Then he will blame the cops - that they screwed him over. It will be interesting how he will explain himself when he comes out.

  7. Rob,

    I just typed the offender ID number you provided and clicked on his mugshot. It is definitely Ridor. The status is he is in custody at the Riverside facility which apparently is a jail - perhaps a city jail. A correctional facility, I believe, is a long term facility where inmates serve their sentences for a long period of time while city jails' inmates are held there until court appearances are completed and a ruling/sentence is given, at which time he would be transported to a correctional facility. Most correctional facility are outside urban areas while jails are within the urban areas, thus transportation issues. Where I live, the jail is in downtown. The correctional facility is 60 miles south of the city. The city jail is small and across from the courthouse. So, perhaps Ridor is currently making court appearances or awaiting sentencing. Nevertheless, wow. Ridor will never be able to live this down. People will be talking about this for a long time. K-A-R-M_A. He machine-gunned (to quote Mike McConnell) so many people to destroy their reputations. Now HIS OWN is destroyed with that mugshot and inmate information. People do not really care whether he is innocent or not. You know the "innocent until proven guilty." He apparently violated probation so basically he was found GUILTY on a charge on which the sentence was suspended while serving probation in which he apparently violated, promptingly landed him back in jail. No way can he escape this.

  8. I got word that another prolific vlogger whos infamous actions against another vlogger had hijacked the vlogging world for a while will be going to jail soon. Hopefully she will have a great looking mugshot for everyone to see.

  9. LOL. All charges against me were dismissed. Eat this, fools.

    IN fact, you got it all wrong. I'm going to retain an attorney to sue the city, the agency & the jail for millions of dollars.

    They botched the whole thing and threw the charges on me until I proved that their charges are largely false.

    True biz when the court started, the judge immediately dismissed all charges within THREE minutes and adjourned it as such.

    Karma? Oh, please. I consider it as a rewarding experience and the experience itself has ultimately proved that I was right all along -- this incident has ultimately pushed me to reinforce that Deaf people should not call 911 in case of emergency.

    RLM, what? Are you being ridiculous? Go back to WVA -- you'll do me and many others a favor if you do that.


  10. Ridor - you WERE in jail. That was all what matters, dear. BTW, your mugshot was really nice.

    Good luck with the lawsuit. Do keep us posted.
    ' "largely" false' is a big red flag - implying that there WAS a legitimate charge against you and that is what they will use against you. Now to prove police brutality and botched job will be a challenge. I DO wish you best of luck.

  11. As Deaf Tea Lady said, and Ridor proved her right, Ridor is already blaming the system and suing them. He is acting to his true form, folks. It will be interesting how it will turn out.

  12. Just wanted to follow up on this case.

    I sued and the Jail was so immediate to offer me a good settlement last December.

    And I see that you won't acknowledge this at all.


