It's been going around that we poor deafies can't properly read and understand AB2072 because English evidently is not our first language. It's been going around that AB2072 is actually GOOD. To quote one individual, "it is an opportunity for ASL to grow." Anyone care to elaborate on that??
Audiologists are known to discourage ASL and are supporters of speech and aural therapies. They have medicinal perspective on deafness. They don't consider ASL language but merely a mode of communication to support oral and aural language for only some of deaf children - not necessarily all. Audiologists do not focus on language development or have any education, training, or knowledge in that area.
This group of deaf people in support of AB2072 is puzzling - they consist of some individuals from deaf families. Most of them use ASL. Yet they go against Deafhood. They go against Deaf Culture. They support AB2072.
One has to wonder about their mindset. What is so bad about Deafhood, Deaf Culture, and ASL? Oh yeah, ASL makes deaf people dumb. Deaf Culture doesn't really exist. Deafhood is nonsense.
I am really curious WHY they actually think the audiologists are the best people to provide information and resources to parents of newly identified deaf babies. HOW would that bill help give opportunity for ASL to grow?? WHAT do they think will happen if this bill passes?
We all know AB2072 is all about capitalism. CI manufacturers stand to profit from this bill. Audiologists, speech therapists, hearing aid industry, and public schools stand to profit as well. Parents will send their children to them and away from schools for the deaf. What is amazing is this rogue group actually is OK with that.
However, it is a good thing this rogue group is in the minority. What is more worrisome, of course, is the larger public, who is unfamiliar about the deaf, who sees economical benefits of this bill rather than the true needs of the deaf of whom they know nothing about.
Hi, your blog is right on target! These individuals are mind boggling, I cannot quite figure them out, I think they just want to see how far they can go and to prove how intelligent they are... If that continues and if the bill passes (G-d forbid), they will have themselves to blame if many things go wrong... Don't they realize this?? If you look more closely, many of their followers do not have college degrees, they do not write good English, yet they are cheering them on... It is quite puzzling.. Colonialism has an ugly hold on their heads, I guess.
ReplyDeleteThere are supporters of AB 2072 who also have college degrees. I have two. Does that make me more intelligent than those who don't have a degree? Just because one doesn't have a college degree doesn't mean he's not intelligent and/or can't strive to write well on one's own.
'Twould be better that you stick to the issue of the bill instead of attacking ppl's lack of intelligence, lack of good English, lack of college degrees, do not have, do not have, do not have...then you say colonialism has an ugly hold on their heads.
Where's YOUR brain?
Ann C,
ReplyDeleteDeaf Mommy got more brains than you have because she is bilingual, very fluency in ASL and English. we know that you are not bilingual despite being hearing impaired.
Your idol, Barry Sewell said that he doesn't want to be part of the Deaf Community but why in the hell he's here? You and your cronies are from Deaf Village but come over here in Deafread to enjoy your sadistic motivation.
Those other detractors friends of yours do not have the integrity to discuss about AB2072.
ReplyDeleteMy question was directed at deaf mommy, not you.
Let's just drop the reading and understanding bit...the first brick was thrown by the pro-AB2072 people who said others weren't reading the bill or had the ability to understand it.
ReplyDeleteCAM has good questions:
"What is so bad about Deafhood, Deaf Culture, and ASL? ...
"I am really curious WHY they actually think the audiologists are the best people to provide information and resources to parents of newly identified deaf babies. HOW would that bill help give opportunity for ASL to grow?? WHAT do they think will happen if this bill passes?"
Indeed, what are they afraid of? Let's try to answer these questions.
Ann C, just stop spinning the lies, woman. It makes you unattractive, to say the least.
ReplyDeletewhere is YOUR brain???!!
--How come Deaf people doesn't have jobs??? 85% of them are on SSA or have no jobs after degrees from college and we lied about it?????
--How come MILLIONS of us failed writing English for more than 130 years????? you and your so called people don't give a F... about it!!!!! and we lied about it????? sicko & selfish!!!
Dianrez has it right...let's focus on WHY this rogue group is OK with AB2072...WHAT do they really think will happen if this bill passes? I wonder if deafmommy is right - they just like to push the issues and press buttons on the deaf and enjoy our reactions? See how they can manipulate us into reacting as if they are puppet-masters. Are we their entertainment?
ReplyDeleteSome Deaf individuals volunteered to be sterilized during the Nazis eugenics movement - ya know for the Fatherland.
ReplyDeleteSome folks believe it is better to hear and speak or behave in manners of those who hear and speak - i.e. that word that isnt in the dictionary yet AUDISM
some folks are deep into internalized oppression which comes out as horizontal violence
some folks wanna be what they are not
some folks believe that Hearing folks know all they answers and by exercising our fundalmental US rights - free speech and free assembly we are embarrassing and trouble makers
instead of truthseekers
eugenics and audism aint cool folks
they dont see it cuz they dont want to not cuz it aint there
thanks for ur blogging - good stuff
Re: CI companies and audiologists and kickbacks etc - see vlog and info box for links re: AG Bell's Circle Alliance
To see who the sponsors of AG Bell's upcoming conference go to:
to know that not even JUDGES know that its ok to be Deaf see the vlog of a letter to a judge in Idaho who has ordered parents to make their daughter wear her 2 CIs "all her waking hours" even if one of them is not functioning properly
yep but we are the dumb ones
@ CAM: yes, you got it right. except no manipulation is needed. all I have to do is say I support AB2072, nothing else. Then I sit back and watch what happens. When I need a good laugh, I read Cheryl from Maaaa about how I am a sicko, and then I'm ROTFLMAO.
ReplyDeleteASL - in that case, you ARE sicko. You seek entertainment in a negative way by causing controversy. Is there any point in all this? What does all this accomplish? This could be more productive by writing letter to the senators in support or against the bill than just drop "in support of the bill" and sit back to watch what happens. That is SO middle school.
ReplyDeletethanks for all u r trying to do here
ReplyDeletethis entry might be of interest
Thanks Deaf Cinema - saw Patti's post with the link you provided. Left a message.