Sheesh! The rogue bloggers are trying hard to put wool over our eyes AGAIN. They claim that the opponents of AB2072 didn't win because they wanted the bill KILLED and that did not happen therefore there is no victory.
Any logic in this??
The opponents has always been about biases in this bill and the source of information being from audiologist. Senator Mendoza, THEIR hero, actually overthrew the original bill and REWROTE it. This new bill was presented to the Deaf group who was actively involved with AB2072 to review it. This group gave them 3 DEMANDS to be amended to the NEW bill. View David Eberwein and Ella Mae's vlogs for in-depth recaps. These 3 demands are what WE wanted.
1. Monitor system - who oversees the program?
2. ASL
3. No audiologist
Those 3 demands were ACCEPTED and amended to the bill.
We managed to get Mendoza to re-write the bill in our favor. Mendoza was the one who got the health committee to accept the 3 demands amended WITHOUT requesting for extension to discuss the amendments and immediately put AB2072 on floor for vote.
The table flipped against the rogue bloggers' favor, actually. Mendoza, their hero, did a 360 turnaround. Romero, who was OUR hero, voted against the bill on her own integrity of her own principle as a supporter of the deaf. I believe had she have the time to discuss with the deaf group, she would have voted in favor once she knew they were in favor of those 3 demands.
Ella was not exactly thrilled. Really, there is no bill that will fully satisfy everyone. There is always compromise and give/take situation when it comes to politics. I do wish Ella is content with what we can get.
So, rogue bloggers, enough already.
Barry Sewell - again, egg on his face
ReplyDeleteMike McConnell - should have stayed over at Deaf Village
These two rogue deaf detractors also got many followers become a fool...again.
It is time to think of Deaf babies, not self-interest ideology.
Good information there... Hopefully today, they were able to do more with the bill. I still don't understand these rogue bloggers at all. Are they trying to do this for purely entertainment purposes? Did we have these kinds of people back then in deaf club or is that a new wave? I couldn't remember seeing these kinds of people in deaf clubs except for a few who always thought that hearing people knew best and would refer their source of information from hearing people.
ReplyDeleteWe, as a Deaf Community, already know that we supported the bill but did not like how it was written when it was only showing a laternal side to benefit the hearing community. SO, we fought either to kill or have the bill amended which Senator Mendoza and its cronies accepted the amendments at the last minute at Senate Health Committee Hearing. It is a small victory for us but there is a long road to make sure that they don't sway before it goes for a vote on the Seante floor. We have been trying to let Barry Sewell, Mike McConnell, Candy, or even worst with Russell Eerigo that WE DID UNDERSTAND THE BILL TO GIVE PARENTS' CHOICES ON COMMUNICATION MODALITIES. Get it? Move on...shall we?
ReplyDeleteWell said, Ron. We need to keep at their heels to ensure the bill stays on the course on its way to the Senate floor or on the desk of the governor (there are some conflicting information where it would be signed into law).
ReplyDeleteAn answer to deafmommy's question from Dr. Don Grushkin:
ReplyDeleteI think the difference back then was that in the Deaf clubs, the Deaf controlled the space. We had those people come in to the clubs, but if they started spouting their dysconscious audism spiels, Deaf people either confronted them directly or they turned their backs on those people and let them know they were not welcome. So these people either learned the errors of their ways, or they left the clubs and went out to “make it big” in the Hearing world. If they succeeded, they weren’t heard from again by us. If they failed, they came back contritely and worked on understanding the Deaf perspective and how to fit in.
But in one way Deaf people back then did accept the system in that even though they had their pride, they still thought to have English skills in either written or spoken form afforded the individual a higher “status”, so they were not quite as direct in their repudiation of these individuals as we are today, due to our changed perspective of ASL and understanding of bilingualism and Deaf as a culture, etc.
On the internet, there really is no means of “guarding” against the Ginas and Barrys. It has to take place in Deaf spaces. It happens at Gallaudet, which is why many Deaf report feeling “rejected” by Deaf people there and end up leaving to less Deaf-centered spaces (NTID, CSUN, Hearing colleges, etc.).
ReplyDeleteGreat feedback. One problem I have is comparing those "dysconcious audists" at the old-day deaf clubs which were usually oralists and such to the likes of Barry and Gina...both are DoDs. They KNOW the deaf community, its functions, their norms, and so on. Yet they go against us. Can you give us a spin on that?
That's interesting about nonacceptance of people who don't hold Deaf-centric ideas. I wonder, though, if it also involves attitude...these people might feel rejected, so they turn around and reject back? Sort of a compensation? Sad, but human. Or is it more than that?
ReplyDeleteI've relayed what you guys said to Don G. We'll see what he has to say once he's had a chance to see your comments...
ReplyDeleteFor me, I've been noticing that discrimination, rejection, not-one-of-us, etc. seems SO OFTEN more easily felt by the one on the "oppressed" end of the transaction than it is felt by the one on the "oppressor" side to the transaction.
This can be interpreted either that the "oppressor" doesn't recognize that they're taking advantage of some difference in privilege, or that the "oppressed" is "over-sensitive" to what was, after all, an unintended slight.
Then there's all the stuff that gets done on purpose, but I can't help but feel that the on purpose stuff in BOTH directions comes as a defensive reaction to the earlier stuff, which, I believe, often starts out as unintended...
Gina is DOD, but also HOH... Lots of opportunities for a whole HISTORY of slights due to that, that SHE would feel and those doing the "not-one-of-us" slight not even feeling it as anything other than the allowed "cultural correction"...
Similarly, once ANYBODY has had a few of these "not-one-of-us" experiences, they are quite rationally going to look for more of the same, seeing rejection even when it is really something else going on that may or may not have been much more innocent. THAT would get a reaction of "What's HER problem!" which is the beginning of another REAL rejection, furthering the split...
Barry, my guess is that he would rather rule in Hell than be subordinate in Heaven, but that's just MY opinion... His built-up hatred of Ella is SO extreme... But Ella DOES have something he wants... The attention of the Deaf World. He can only get that by becoming "infamous", and counting the number of people who notice him because of this or that successful twisting of the positions of his "enemies", who are pretty much anybody who likes Ella...
In my opinion, THAT's how the rogue bloggers got SO FAR OFF THE MARK... There was no real discussion allowed in the spaces they controlled, so their spaces contained an increasing amount of misinformation... When the truth came out, they were surprised that the opinion-world that they had created and rigidly enforced could no longer be sustained.
MY opinion... I'm pretty sure that both Gina and Barry would disagree on at least some points. Are YOU GUYS surprised? ;-)
- Linda
This is in response re Deaf clubs not he topic of this vlog. Before I go further, I want to thank u ASLPrecieux (however u spell it) for this blog. U re right I'm not quite content and I think we need people to feel this way so we can remain vigilant and making sure we can get the best possible rather than being happy with simply bigger crumbs on the floor. Smile.
ReplyDeleteNow about Deaf clubs. I think answer is simple. Back there we as a community had very very little if any power with legislation and inbourchasing own education. Oralism dominated all around us. The Deaf clubs were sanctuaries where we tried to keep them as healthy as possible, as inclusive as possible but if someone were arrogantly supporting Oralism or criticizing ASL or the Deaf way, no way they re staying in with their rot and spoil the precious sacred space. Nuttin' to do with elitism. Far far from it.
Now with the Deafhood/Sign language resurgence during the 1960's to 1990's, we as ASL Deaf embracing folks gained some power and voice in the public and political sphere (still very minimal but lots more than during the Dear club days back then), and blogging and vlogging took our thoughts out there among strangers boy Deaf and hearing. This changed our discourse big time. Transition period. And all the colonized attitudes from Oralism plus the Oralism backlash of CI propaganda, genetic enginnering (neo-eugenics) and mainstreaming (diaspora) created this new breed of monsters/ugly thinkers we see iin Deafblogsphere. I pray thru this united political activism and Deafhod discourses, these folks will finally move forward in their journeys and join the unity realizing they can still be recognize as individuals but humbler ones.
Linda, VERY good discussion. I personally had experience of being slighted even as a DoD. I learned it is part of life. Often deaf community is wary and jealous of deaf with higher/normal/hearing-like language skills as I had and subtly reject me, not oughtright, I believe because my father was a well-liked grassroot deaf leader. So, I was lonesome in my own deaf community BUT I think it perhaps have more to do with personality as well. I am an introvert. I don't relish being among many signing hands, in a crowd, handchatting about nonsense stuff. I am just not the type. I am more content with a few close friends in a quiet place.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Gina and Barry are socially inadept as well? Were personalities not well received by others? That may very well made them outcasts in the deaf community. My personality may be a little of that - I must admit I sometimes correct people and "looked down" upon them in some way. Absolutely my fault. It was never THEIR fault they are not as linguistically adept as I. I was young and conceited. Now I talk to just anyone - taking after my father's model. He was well loved because although he was intelligent and had high language (like me), he spoke to everybody about just anything they want to talk about. I am still not as lovable and never will be but I am more accepted that I was back then. Older and wiser, I guess. :-)
Ella -
UNDERSTOOD. You want everything done RIGHT the first time and no crumbs. I believe Deaf Tea Time blogged about that in her "Thank you" post to the California AB2072 group vlog.
What you said fits what I experience growing up and from what my mom and said about their experience as members of deaf club and as leaders/officers. My dad was one of the founders of deaf club here. After 1970s, things changed. TTY. IDEA/PL-142. Stokoe. Gallaudet gaining recognition and popularity. Colleges and high schools adding ASL as foreign language requirements. My dad witnessed a big transition period. Now my generation witnessed the VP, relay, PDAs, ADA, interpreter programs and certifications. Wonderful transitions continue. Some believe those are slowly indicators of death of deaf community because we no longer need each other because we have the technology and services to enable us to be independent. I see now only "low function" (I really don't know the better word for them" continue to need assistance due to their lack of language skills but they are STREET wise. They know if they were discriminated against. They know their rights. They know the sources but need help from deaf community to speak for them.
So, I wonder what will the new transitions be and will that be the death of the deaf community? Or what?
I remember seeing a picture of crabs in a bucket, where they formed a perfect diagonal from the bottom to the top...
ReplyDeleteMy first thought was that the bottom ones were pulling down the leader, then I realized that the leader was also pulling up each crab below, which was pulling up each crab below that...
Some really ARE pulling down. Most don't have a whole lot of strength themselves, so must try to do the best they can to pull in a generally upward direction... All the while watching out for the ones that really have come to INTEND just to drain them...
Gotta try to just keep looking in the generally upward direction! ;-)
BTW, we can't just credit Ella... Sheri Farina found our lobbyist, Senator Polanco (retired). Many others did many small bits and actually cooperated together just fine! ;-)
ReplyDeleteSenator Polanco has become a true hearing ally!
- Linda
Thanks for the info. I also took the liberty and had someone prepare the entire transcript, which took over 20 hours (2 days) to accomplish. It's unofficial, of course but very accurate because we reviewed it 3 - 4 times to make sure. It's seen at my blog site at if you want to see it.
ReplyDeleteImportant to know everything that was said, discussed and carried out at the hearing so I hope you'll post this one.
Linda, I love your offer on an alternative interpretation of the crab theory. In fact, I think I like that interpretation better! Sometimes we DO need to pull others out of the bucket!
ReplyDeleteYes, I know Ella was just one of the players in the AB28072 process.
Well, Barry, will keep eye on your new post.
ReplyDeleteBe sure to thank your daughter, Deja, for all the hard work she did on the transcript!
- Linda